
sexta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2014

Fotos Egito Antigo


                                                 Foto: ‎صور فرعونية - Photos Pharaonic / الشــارات الملكيــة فـــى مصــــر الفــرعــونيـــة لتــدعيـــم الفــراعنــــة واعطـــائهـــم نـــوع مـــن الحمـايـــة ,, لمــزيـــد مــن المعلــومــات اقــرأ ع الـرابــط التــالــى :-

 حراس الحضارة

  N O D A‎









                                   Foto: From the chapter in the Book of the Dead describing how to prevent the soul of a man being captive in the underworld. Ani is standing at the doorway of the tomb. On the other side is his shadow and hovering above is his soul in the form of a human-headed bird holding a shen, symbol of eternity, in its claws. From the Papyrus of Ani.

                            Foto: Mehyt-Weret

Head of a cow goddess, found in the tomb of Tutankhamun.

Carved in wood with copper horns and eyes inlad with lapis in the shape of the eye of Horus. The head, ears and front of the neck are gilded, the rest of the neck and pedestal are varnished with black resin. It represents Mehyt-Weret, an aspect of the cow-goddess Hathor, who welcomed the setting sun and the spirits of the dead in the underworld.

Height 93cm. Gilded wood, copper & lapis lazuli.

Luxor Museum

                                                                Foto: Hathor
Statue of the goddess Hathor, from Luxor Temple cachette, Dynasty XVIII Reign of Amenhotep III.

Height 154cm. Diorite.

Luxor Museum






                                                     Foto: ‎هل تعرف .. معابد الشمس - ومعابد أتون ؟؟
معلومات تهم عشاق الحضارة الفرعونية على :

                                  Foto: Invocation to Osiris
n adoration of the Sun, Nephthys and Isis, the sisters of Osiris, kneel either side of the Tat, the symbol which represents Osiris. From the Tat rises the Ankh, the sign of life, which is raising the Sun on its hands towards the canopy of heaven. Vignette from the ''Book of the Dead, the Papyrus of Ani, Egypt (c.1275 BC)

                                 Foto: Ancient Egyptian carved pillars. Engraved figures and hieroglyphic writing cover these stone pillars. The figures depicted were usually of nobles and Gods. Hieroglyphs ("sacred carving") are symbols, here inscribed in rock, which made up ancient Egyptian writing. Extremely fine craftman- ship was involved in this writing which dates from the mid-4th millennium BC to 3rd century AD. Photographed at the Temple of Kom Ombo, Egypt.

                              Foto: Wall painting at Thebes, Whole folio) Wall painting from an Egyptian tomb at Thebes Image taken from Notes and Drawings of the Tombs of the Kings at Thebes. Originally published in Egypt; circa 1820-1839.

                               Foto: Have a beautiful week-Abydos, Temple of Seti



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